Asian man popping a blackhead.

Everything that goes into your body contributes to how it functions, and some types of food can be harmful when consumed in excess. Certain carbohydrates, for example, can lead to overeating, weight gain, and conditions like high blood pressure. But did you know they can also trigger acne? Find out how maintaining a low-carb diet can help minimize breakouts.

The Role of Carbs in Acne

Pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads may make you feel different and isolated, but the truth is, acne is the world’s . Although acne usually begins in puberty when androgen hormones increase and make the skin oily, it can persist into adulthood. The exact cause is , but there are several triggers, including what you eat.

Carbohydrates, such as those found in processed foods with added sugar, could be behind your breakouts. White bread, potatoes, and rice are also common culprits since they have a . They can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, making your androgen hormones like you’re back in high school. Your oil glands then go into overdrive, making your skin more prone to pimples.

Further, research in the showed that men with a low-glycemic load (GL) diet had fewer acne breakouts. The experiment involved 43 male acne patients on a diet of 25% energy from protein and 45% from low-GL carbohydrates, such as soy products, beans, fruits, pasta, oats, and grainy bread.

These findings imply that a low-carb diet does not simply entail cutting back on carbs but also choosing them wisely.

Low-Carb Diet for Acne-Prone Skin

Avoiding carbs can be a challenge, especially in this age of insta-delivery. To help you out, here are some tips on how to maintain a healthy low-carb diet.

Have more fatty fish.

Cutting back on carbohydrate-rich food can leave avoid on your plate. Don’t worry! Filling it with fatty fish like anchovies, tuna, salmon, and sardines will make you feel better. These are high in protein and that help reduce inflammation and improve the appearance of acne. Bake or grill them and serve with a salad or roasted vegetables. Add some avocados or celery sticks on the side.

Limit or avoid dairy.

Dairy products like milk and cheese also contain a high glycemic load, which can trigger breakouts in acne-prone skin. Moreover, according to the , cow’s milk, in particular, contains hormones that can trigger inflammation and increase breakouts.

Go slow on dark chocolate.

According to the , even dark chocolate is not a safe bet for acne-prone skin. The study notes that 99% dark chocolate more than other types of sweets when consumed in small amounts for a prolonged period. Instead, satisfy your sweet tooth with fruits high in antioxidants, like peaches and kiwis.

Enjoy some bacon.

There’s a reason people on a ketogenic diet can still eat bacon: it’s low in carbohydrates but high in protein and essential amino acids and has a low glycemic load. If you’re going to have meat, go for bacon. However, it is high in saturated fat, so eat it in moderation.

Control Acne with a Targeted Skincare Routine

Of course, dieting alone won’t cut it. Practice a consistent skincare routine for acne-prone skin to keep your pimples in check. Cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen are must-haves.

Wash your face with Pond’s Men Facial Wash Acne Solution, which has patented Lock & Clear Technology clinically proven to beat acne in three days. It has Thymol T Essence that locks itself onto acne-causing bacteria to fight it even after washing.

If you’re , try Master All-Day Active Clay Wash Cool Rush. It has active menthol ingredients that keep you cool all day while controlling oil to prevent pimples and brighten your skin.

Finally, for an intense cleanse, use Master Deep Cleanser Oil Control Max With Zero Oil. It removes deep-seated dirt and oil to prevent blackheads and whiteheads, so you feel clean and oil-free all day. 

Maintaining a low-carb diet in conjunction with a good skincare routine may be the key to getting rid of pimples. But before you do anything, consult your dermatologist and physician to get to the root of your acne and find out if a dietary adjustment will work for you.